Cherry-et Tubman

We’re serving up a sweet treat for a woman who gave an epic middle finger to everyone who tried to keep her down. Ruby-red cherries, tender cake, and plenty of butter make this cherry cobbler the perfect way to celebrate Harriet Tubman.

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Hattie Caraway Seed Cake

Who the hell is Hattie Caraway, amiright? Gather ‘round and let us tell you the story of a little-known woman from Arkansas who quietly kicked ass and became the first woman elected to the US Senate.

This cake has everything we know and love about a good old-fashioned pound cake, but like Hattie, the caraway seeds that are folded in provide a surprising zing every once in a while.

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Eleanor Oatmeal-Raisin-velt Pie

You name a human rights cause, and, chances are, Eleanor Roosevelt took up the banner for it. And for that, this ultimate boss-bitch FLOTUS deserves some pie.

Just like Eleanor, this pie is sweet, rich, and packs one hell of a punch (hellooooo booze-soaked raisins). And also like Eleanor, we can’t get enough of it.

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Reclaiming the Cult

We believe that the kitchen can be a powerful center of rebellion, as well as source of all things buttery and delicious, which is why we are here to reclaim the Cult of Domesticity. We want to honor the awesome ladies (and men, and everyone in between) who have fought tooth and nail for gender equality. And we will honor them the best way we know how: with fucking scrumptious baked goods.

Because, let’s be real: the best replacement for the patriarchy isn’t a matriarchy.

It’s The Bakeriarchy.

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